澳大利亚南十字星大学(Southern Cross University)创建于1970年,是澳大利亚拥有学士、硕士和博士学校授予权的综合性公立大学;是一所充满活力、极具现代化的研究型大学;也是我国教育部认可学历、学位的澳洲大学。在校生1万余人,其中,来自30多个国家的留学生合计1千余人。该校学科涵盖了教育、天文、地理、海洋、科学、商业、体育、法律、艺术等领域,并与众多企业及研究机构有着密切的合作伙伴关系,其中旅游管理、会计学、计算机科学与技术是其优势品牌专业。澳大利亚研究理事会的卓越研究报告中指出:该校在六个关键领域“远高于世界先进水平”,多次获得国家及洲颁发的教育奖,毕业生第一年就业收入被澳洲权威机构评为五星。培养出来的毕业生具备较高的素质,可以满足工作中相关业务的挑战。学校声誉卓著,环境优美,教学创新,技术先进,设备一流。学校共有3个主校区:利兹莫尔校区、黄金海岸校区、考夫斯港校区。

Southern Cross University of Australia, founded in 1970, is a comprehensive public university with granting authority of bachelor master and doctoral degree. It is also a research university of modern characteristics in Australia. SCU's disciplines cover education, astronomy, geography, oceanology, science, business, sports, law, art etc. Among which accounting and tourism management are its dominant brand majors.There are more than 10,000 students in the school, including over 1,000 international students from more than 30 countries.In the latest Australian Research Excellence report, the university is well above the world's advanced level in 14 key areas and has won several national education awards. SCU has three main campuses, which are Leeds More Campus,Gold Coast Campus and Coffs Harbour Campus. The university has a good reputation for its graceful surroundings, innovative teaching and first-class equipments.